The University of Chicago: Graduate Studies

Application Management

Application Management

Thank you for your interest in applying to the University of Chicago.

To create a new application or continue working on an existing one for the following programs, please visit the Graham School application portal:

For additional information on these programs, visit the Graham School website.  If you have additional questions, please email our Graham School Admissions Team.

If you are looking to create or continue working on a started application to the following programs, please visit the University of Chicago Professional Education application portal

For additional information on the Certificate in Clinical Trials Management and Regulatory Compliance (International), visit the University of Chicago Professional Education website. If you have additional questions, email our Professional Education Admissions team.

For additional information on the Graduate Student-At-Large programs, visit the GSAL website or reach out to GSAL Admissions.

We use data collected in the application to render admissions decisions, for internal and external reporting, institutional research, and other purposes. To learn more about how we use the information collected here please review our Privacy Notice.